
5.make a fool out of someone to trick someone and make them look bad 欺骗某人,使他们难堪。 She made a fool out of him and then left him for another man. 她欺骗了他,然后把他...

31. Your request is out of question.(没问题) Your request is out of the question.(不可能) 32. The old man is in charge of the children.(照料孩子) The old man is in the charge of the children.(被孩子照料) 33. He is a worker and writer.(是工人兼作家)...

Average Customer Review:5.0 out of 5 stars 由于阿曼达喜欢虫子,变成了超级动力的昆虫,可以在整个故事中阅读有趣的虫子事实。 6. Vampires On The Run 故事讲述了主人公奎尼·博伊德(...

All along outpour. 释义:中国是个地大物博的国家,直接流入大海的有长江、黄河、淮河和济水,这四条大河是中国河流的代表。 曰岱华, 蒿恒衡。 此五岳, 山之名。 Arch, Flora, Tower, Sca...

cut and run 其实,cut and run是一个习惯用语,起源于航海。当海上的船只遇到危险情况,为了躲避灭顶之灾,船长往往不像平常那样下令起锚,而会叫船员砍断锚链,尽快逃走。所以,cut a...

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